
QR scanner app for events


1. App scans connection QR code. The code contains only an URL.

The app makes a POST request to the URL:

POST {url}

interface ConnectData {
  id: string;
  model: string;
  systemName: string;
  systemVersion: string;

2. Server must respond with the following data format:

HTTP 200

interface ConnectSuccessResponse {
  token: string;
  url: string;
  header?: string;
  message?: string[];

HTTP 403

interface ConnectFailedResponse {
  error: string;
  info?: string[];

3. App enters scan mode mode. For each scanned QR code app makes a POST request to the URL from step 2 with token from step 2:

POST {url} Authorization: Token {token}

interface ScanData {
  code: string;
  serviceId?: number;

4. Server must respond in the following format:

HTTP 200

interface ScanSuccessResponse {
  success: boolean;
  header: string;
  message?: string[];
  color?: string;
  backgroundColor?: string;
  services?: {
    name: string;
    id: number;
    redeemed: boolean;